How Root Canals Preserve Natural Teeth

When you have nerve damage or inflammation on the inside of a tooth, getting a root canal in St. Cloud, MN, helps to save it from extraction. Some common reasons for dental nerve damage include blunt force trauma to the mouth, repeated dental work on the same tooth, and deep decay.

The root canal has gotten an undeserved reputation over the years as a painful procedure that you should avoid. However, having a root canal performed is no more uncomfortable than any other dental procedure. Dr. Friesz and his team provide anesthesia at the start of the appointment to ensure that you do not feel any discomfort.

Signs You May Need a Root Canal

Even when you experience significant tooth pain, knowing the cause and what you should do next can be challenging. We encourage you to schedule an appointment at Friesz Family and Cosmetic Dentistry right away if you experience any of the symptoms listed below.

  • Chip or crack in the tooth
  • Discolored tooth
  • Loose tooth
  • Pain when biting into food or touching your tooth
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold food and beverages
  • Swollen gums

While you may want to ignore these symptoms, hoping they will go away, keep in mind that bacteria can spread from your mouth to other areas of your body and cause illness.

What Happens During a Root Canal?

Besides saving your natural tooth, the purpose of a root canal is to remove diseased and inflamed tooth pulp before the bacteria spreads. To accomplish this, Dr. Freisz first places a piece of rubber over your tooth and nearby gum tissues to prevent the tooth he needs to work on from becoming wet with saliva. He then uses a dental drill to create a small opening in the tooth to remove the infected pulp.

After removing the diseased pulp from inside your tooth chamber, Dr. Freisz applies filling material to your tooth and places a crown on top of it. These actions prevent your tooth from becoming infected again in the future, so you do not need to have repeat root canals.

Are you concerned that you need a root canal in St. Cloud, MN? Please schedule an appointment with us today.

Root Canals: An FAQ

Do you need a root canal? Do you know what a root canal entails? Some people are afraid of getting a root canal because they don’t know very much about the procedure or how it works. Knowing more information about root canals can help you feel calmer and more prepared for your upcoming root canal procedure in St. Cloud MN. In this article, we’ll address some common questions about this procedure to help ease any anxiety you may be feeling.

What Is a Root Canal?

A root canal is a procedure that is performed on an infected tooth. During the procedure, the infection is removed from the inside of the tooth, then a crown is placed on the remaining tooth to reinforce the structure.

How Can You Tell If You Need a Root Canal?

The best way to tell if you need a root canal is to see your dentist in St. Cloud, MN. It’s helpful to know the symptoms of a tooth infection. If you know the symptoms of an infection, you’ll know when it’s time to go see the dentist. Here’s what to watch for:

  • Pain in the tooth (intermittent or constant)
  • Swelling in the mouth
  • Sensitivity to heat and cold
  • Tooth discoloration
  • Tender gums

Do Root Canals Hurt?

A root canal procedure will most likely not hurt because the area will be numbed before work begins. Most people say that their teeth hurt a lot more before the root canal began! Once your dentist has numbed your mouth, you should be able to proceed through the rest of the procedure in relative comfort.

Are Root Canals Safe?

Yes, the root canal will be safe, especially if you’re working with an experienced dental professional. At Friesz Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we help our patients through complicated dental procedures like root canals.

Is There Something Wrong With Your Tooth? Don’t Wait to Get Help

If you’re experiencing pain in your mouth, contact Friesz Family & Cosmetic Dentistry to schedule an appointment. It could be that you need to have a root canal. Waiting to get help could compromise your health or the health of your teeth. In fact, if you wait too long, you may need to have a tooth extraction! Call today.